7 Trendy Hair Colors You Can Actually Pull Off
It’s an exciting time for hair color, ladies. From warm pumpkin-spiced strands to steel-gray locks, the most fashion-forward shades are everything but the honey-blond highlights we’ve been accustomed to seeing for years. If you’ve been Insta-stalking those stunning transformations and need a nudge of encouragement, look no further than these seven examples of unconventional color done right.
It’s the perfect transitional shade for a brunette looking for a fall refresh. Ask your stylist for a copper gloss and a blend of highlights and lowlights to give the color some dimension.
Bright platinum strands toe the line between edgy and elegant depending on how you style the rest of your look. (Here, Taylor here makes it downright sultry with bronzed skin and kohl-rimmed eyes.)
Already blond? Try adding a pinky-beige gloss on top for a soft yet impactful change. The low-commitment color will fade back to its original flaxen state in a matter of washes.
On the other end of the hair color spectrum, you can add a silvery gloss on top of dark strands. (Tip: Maintain the cool hue with a weekly dose of a purple shampoo or conditioning mask.)
Or try a wash of lavender instead. When choosing how light or dark to go, consider your skin tone. Fair-skinned ladies should opt for a bold jewel-toned purple (to avoid looking washed-out), whereas medium- and darker-skinned women can go with something more pastel (to provide contrast).
For the safest approach, keep the color focused on the ends and blended with the rest of your hair.
Why commit to one shade when you can have them all at once? To steer clear of My Little Pony territory, leave your roots dark and keep the colors within a similar family.